
Secret Network Grant Application Process

Funding amount

Funding amounts are variable and can go as high as several hundred thousand dollars, depending on the complexity and value to the network, although the average grant would likely be in the order of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. Grants may be split into several smaller milestones and receive funding accordingly on a per-milestone basis, as mentioned below. Since this is a non-dilutive funding opportunity, we encourage commercial projects to also look for alternative sources of funding as well. We are especially interested in seeing new start-up companies and projects emerge that build exclusively on Secret Network. For these in particular, non-dilutive funding such as a grant would be significant. Grant awards will be distributed in 3 or more installments, with initial payment to take place right after approval of the grant. Teams are expected to define key milestones for the project and propose installment amount upon completion of different milestones.


All code must be open source. If there’s a good reason to make an exception, please specify this in your proposal, and emphasize which parts (if any) will be open source. Please mention the license you plan to use in your application.

Who are we looking for

We are looking for individual developers, new and existing companies and projects, community members or established teams with a proven track record to contribute to the Secret Network ecosystem. Prior work on Secret Network or experience in deploying Ethereum or other blockchain applications is a big plus.

Secret Apps are encouraged to have a path for commercial sustainability (token or fee model).

Use Secret Network developer forum and Secret Network Discord (#use-cases and #find-a-team channels) to brainstorm, discuss ideas and form teams. We encourage you to get feedback from the community (including the Enigma development and product team) before submitting any application.

Application process

When ready, submit an application via the Grants area of the Secret Foundation GitHub repository. Do this by opening a new issue in the format of this sample application.

The application should cover the following details:

(1) High level description of the project

(2) Problem / solution (max. 200 words)

(3) Detailed product / network improvement description (max. 500 words)

(4) Go-to-market and commercialization plan (if applicable)

(5) Team: Please share all past experiences, github links and repos

(6) Milestones and budget: Please provide a budget, development timelines for milestones and distribution of budget based on milestones. If you’d instead like to apply privately, please email with the above information.You can find a sample application here.

Evaluation process

We will review your application and get back to you with next steps (request for more information, schedule a video interview etc.) in two weeks.

Thank you for your interest in Secret Grants! We cannot wait to work alongside you in building Secret Network into a data privacy hub for all blockchains, helping secure the decentralized internet.
