Hello to the community!

This post has been updated May 4, 2021 to include the updated design and added features to the tax report

We've just released a beta of the secretnodes.com tax reporting feature. With this feature you will be able to see a "Tax Report" for any account simply by clicking the "Tax Report" button on any account page on secretnodes.com, just search your address and try!

As an example, here is the account for FATS Node. (arbitrary example)
Example Tax Report for the FATS node owner address. (arbitrary example)

How does it work? Tax Reports show the following information:

  1. Date
  2. Input (or) Output tag.
  3. Transaction Type (computation, Rewards(commissions are bunched with rewards currently), normal)
  4. Amount USD = SCRT sent or received multiplied by the closing price of SCRT for the block the transaction was confirmed in.
  5. Option to export CSV for full account history.
NOTE: Please seek advice from a tax professional when doing your taxes. None of the information we provide should be viewed as tax advice and the IRS has not released any staking specific guidance. Also note this feature is still in beta!

What's next for secretnodes.com?

We recently released the v2 of secretnodes.com which included a major UI/UX rework and additions to the Tax Report feature. You can now export for each specific year, or all history, to a csv file.

Stay tuned for more, and keep in touch on Twitter! https://twitter.com/secretnodes

~ Ian Dixon, CEO and cofounder & Jacob Jackson, CTO and cofounder, Secret LLC (secretnodes.org, secretnodes.com)

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