Hello to the community!

Today we're announcing an exciting Secret Contest in conjunction with our friends at Chainapsis / Keplr Wallet! There's a total of 2,500 SCRT up for grabs for ten lucky winners in a Secret Raffle... and all you need to enter is a few minutes of time. Read on to learn how to install Keplr, get your own Secret wallet address, and win!


  • Wait, what's a Secret?
  • How do I get Secrets?
  • What are the contest rules?

Wait, what's a Secret?

If you've been following Secret Network for some time, you already know about our exciting mainnet upgrade from September 2020. As a result, Secret Network has become the first layer-one blockchain to enable general purpose private computation.

Why is this such a critical development?

  • Currently, everything that happens on a blockchain is public by default: your data, your transactions, your identity.
  • That means that all the data used in a smart contract is exposed to everyone.
  • For blockchain technology to achieve global adoption, users (including companies and other organizations) need control over how their data is used – they can’t just expose it to everyone.

This mainnet upgrade makes Secret Network the only blockchain running live smart contracts with encrypted inputs, outputs, and state. You can think of Secret Network as combining the programmability of Ethereum with the privacy of Zcash. This capability for "programmable privacy" now allows developers to begin building their own permissionless and privacy-preserving “Secret Apps.”

The native coin of Secret Network is SCRT. It is used for staking, governance, and transactional / computational fees. Currently you can stake or delegate your SCRT for over 30% annualized rewards while helping us secure the network! (Learn more in this complete guide to staking.)

Staking Secrets: A Living Guide to Staking and Delegating SCRT
Staking SCRT helps secure our network and lets you participate in community governance. With rewards currently above 30% annually, now is a great time to learn how to stake your secrets!
What's the secret of Secret Network - in sixty seconds?

How do I get Secrets?

Great question! As of September 30th at 4:00 AM UTC, Secret will be available for trading on Binance.

To celebrate - and to help expand adoption of Secret Apps - we're also giving away some Secrets to anyone who sets up a Secret wallet address using Keplr and helps us share this exciting news!

Keplr is a web-based wallet that anyone can use to generate their own Secret wallet address. As Secret Network is its own blockchain (not a token!), it has its own coin - SCRT. You can store your SCRT via a web wallet, a hardware wallet like Ledger, or locally using the secretcli command line tools.

A Secret address looks like other wallet addresses, but it has the prefix secret. You can see a list of example Secret addresses on Puzzle (a block explorer for Secret Network). To get your own, you need to generate one. Luckily, Keplr makes it very easy to do!

A great Keplr tutorial from Whisper, one of the Secret Network validators.

We're particularly excited about Keplr because they have been funded via a community proposal to add a number of critical features for interacting with Secret Network! This includes a Ledger integration, secret contracts integration, Secret Tokens support, and more. We're thrilled to see the Chainapsis team contributing so substantially to our network and community. And what better way to show our support for their work than to use their product?

What are the contest rules?

Best question of all! We're giving away a total of 2,500 SCRT to ten lucky winners. Ten Secret addresses will be randomly selected from all entrants to receive 250 SCRT each.

To be eligible to win SCRT, you just need to do all of the following steps before 11:59PM US Pacific Time, Friday, October 2nd:

1) Like and retweet this announcement tweet: https://twitter.com/SecretNetwork/status/1310960120038338570?s=20

(Only Twitter accounts that have existed for longer than 2 weeks will be accepted.)

2) Install Keplr (https://wallet.keplr.app) on your browser. (If you already have Keplr installed, you lucked out! You're still eligible to participate.)

3) Set up a Secret wallet address. (Follow the tutorial video above or follow the instructions on Keplr!)

4) Fill out everything in this short form! (You'll have to submit your Secret address, Twitter username, and some Proof of Keplr...)

That's it! You're now entered into the Secret Raffle.

Note: we reserve the right to disqualify any entry that appears to be manipulated or faked, or any entry that seeks to game the above rules by automatically generating additional addresses / otherwise Sybil-attacking the contest.

We'll be choosing winning addresses from the pool of eligible entries during the week of October 5th, 2020. And we've got a fun plan - we'll use a secret contract to pick the winners on mainnet! Using a method similar to the "Secret Raffle" smart contract that was tested during the Secret Testnets, we'll randomly select the ten winning addresses on-chain, announce them, and get in touch with the winners!

We hope to do even more fun Secret Contests in the future. For now, go set up your own Secret wallet, get some SCRT, join our communities, and start staking Secrets! We'd love to have you participate actively in network governance, serve on our Secret Committees, or chat in any of our community channels:

Community Telegram: https://t.me/scrtcommunity
Community Discord: https://discord.com/invite/SJK32GY

Thank you for helping us continue to make privacy a public good - and for helping us celebrate! 🎉🤫

To discuss Secret Network and Secret Apps, visit our community channels:
Website | Forum | Twitter | Telegram | Discord