Greetings Secret Agents!

Thanks for being here. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read the following post and learn what has been going down in the Secret ecosystem in September 🤫

Supernova Milestone #2 progress. New viewing key innovations and improvements. The Shinobi Bitcoin Bridge on testnet. Messari Mainnet 2021 attendance by Enigma, Secret Foundation, and other key ecosystem contributors. TeFi Alpha 2021 with the Terra community. Launch of the new and improved Secret Agent program. Shade Protocol announced Silk - a native Secret Network stablecoin. Stashh, the future of Secret NFTs, was revealed. Altermail announced an imminent mainnet launch. Cointelegraph, Messari, and DeFi Slate covered Secret Network. New Secret Code Podcast episodes. 580 ANONs Secret NFTs announced.

And so much more.

September is a unique historical marker for Secret Network - in September of 2020, Secret Network became the first Layer 1 blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts. Since then, our push to bring privacy to all public blockchains has become closer to reality. See what’s been done lately - and how you can get involved!

Supernova Milestone #2 Update

As progress has been made on Milestone #2 of Supernova, here are the following exciting updates from the most recent release logs:

  • Gas prices will be 10x cheaper post Supernova as a result of performance upgrades and optimizations!
  • Working towards integration with Osmosis/GravityDex
  • Upgrading to Cosmos SDK 0.44 from 0.43
  • GRPC for cosmos-sdk modules in addition to legacy REST API support. See API here
  • New modules:
Fee Grant - allows an address to give an allowance to another address
Upgrade - Allows triggering of network-wide software upgrades, which significantly reduces the amount of coordination effort hard-forks require
Auto Registration - New node registering process is now automated via a new command

See the full change log here.

Secret Network IBC upgrade (Stargate)
The following post describes our plan for an upcoming IBC/Stargate upgrade of Secret Network. We’ll start off with a forum discussion (this post), followed by a signaling proposal on-chain. Assuming it passes, we (Enigma) plan to put significant resources towards developing this functionality. We’d …

Viewing Key Innovation

Assaf Morami of Enigma MPC published a prototype implementation for eliminating viewing keys from SNIP-20 & SNIP-721 tokens. Viewing keys are a major hurdle new users encounter when they onboard onto Secret Network, so this should be a huge improvement for the user experience on the network!

Query with a signed permit instead of a viewing key by assafmo · Pull Request #22 · enigmampc/snip20-reference-impl
Keplr example:const permitName = "";const allowedTokens = ["secret18vd8fpwxzck93qlwghaj6arh4p7c5n8978vsyg"];const permissions = ["balance" /* , "h...


NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are a powerful concept, introducing proveable digital scarcity for creative works, in-game items, collectables, financial assets, and more. But up until today, NFTs have had major limitations for creators, collectors, and consumers that prevent NFTs from reaching their full potential as a disruptive technology.

Secured by Secret Network, Stashh is the first full-stack platform for NFTs with native privacy, allowing creators, collectors, and consumers to truly benefit from the Web3 digital economy. Launching in October, Stashh will feature the following:

  • Trustless access controls
  • Built-in exclusive content
  • Private-by-default ownership

Using privacy-first NFTs, creators can monetize their content and protect their IP, while giving consumers trustless control over how they buy, display, use, and trade their NFTs. Privacy-first NFTs can also contain public metadata which is known to all parties as well as private metadata known only to certain parties (such as the owner or creator). Finally, NFT owners have the choice of whether to reveal their ownership of an NFT or not, giving users more security and control.

Stashh is currently in Alpha testing. Sign up on the landing page!

Help Defend Privacy. Become a Secret Agent.

Blockchain technology is set to usher in the era of Web 3.0. Unfortunately, it has one big flaw. Almost every blockchain is public by default. All data on the chain is exposed for all to see, making it difficult for this vision to be achieved. Secret Network aims to change this by serving as a cross-chain privacy platform for Web 3.0. To this end, the network is actively recruiting Secret Agents to help in this mission.

Secret Agents work together to build a more decentralized, democratic, and empowering internet with privacy- preserving technologies. Secret Agents achieve this mission by becoming key contributors within Secret Network. They spread awareness about the issue of blockchain privacy and collaborate on projects that help drive network growth and adoption.

As a Secret Agent, you will:

  • Rise through the ranks
  • Gain special access to secret events
  • Get special rewards
  • Unlock Secret NFTs and swag

Interested in joining our mission? Become a Secret Agent today!

Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap Project

In September, the Secret Network developer community presented the first Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap - featuring over 20 development companies, teams, individuals, and projects currently building on Secret Network. The development of this ecosystem-wide roadmap took an immense amount of collaboration, which was a reflection of all of the hard work that is currently being put into the application layer on Secret! The roadmap will be regularly updated in the future, giving the Secret community visibility on the evolution of the various projects built on and for Secret Network.

Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap - October Update!
Review the latest Ecosystem Roadmap to learn what devs are building on Secret Network - and more importantly, what they will be releasing in the coming weeks!

Shinobi Protocol - Bitcoin Bridge on Testnet

In September it was announced that Shinobi Protocol has been deployed on testnet. Shinobi is a direct bridge between Bitcoin users and Secret Network, unlocking privacy and Secret DeFi for Bitcoin!

Shinobi Protocol is a trustless, bidirectional bridge that connects Bitcoin mainnet users directly to Secret Network. With a hash verification system, Shinobi Protocol avoids the traditional direct custodial model by instead being a privacy-secured trustless bridge. With the advent of Shinobi Protocol, it is now possible for Bitcoin holders to have direct access to Secret DeFi in a way that has never been possible before. With Shinobi there is no middleman, and the peg in/out actions communicating with Secret Network are not discernible from ordinary transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Come visit the Shinobi Protocol website to learn more!

Revealing Shinobi: Bridging Bitcoin to Secret Network
Announcing the testnet launch of Shinobi: a new protocol for bridging Bitcoin and Secret Network. Learn more about Shinobi and the arrival of Secret Bitcoin (sBTC)!

Shade Protocol Announcement

Shade Protocol is an array of privacy-preserving DeFi applications built on Secret Network. Featuring Silk - a private algorithmic stablecoin. Shade Protocol is actively in development, having received an official ecosystem grant in August.

SILK - Private Algorithmic Stable Coin · Issue #22 · SecretFoundation/Grants
Silk Project Description Secure Secrets will create Silk, the world’s first native privacy-preserving stablecoin built on the Secret Network. Launching in tan...

A private algorithmic stablecoin native to Secret Network will be advantageous for the following reasons:

  • Native liquidity generation
  • Lucrative LP rewards
  • DEX integrations
  • Silk integration into all Secret Network dApps
  • Empowering liquidity on other Secret DeFi platforms and products

The first of many developer updates for Shade Protocol was given in September: outlining the current stage of contract development, as well as UI/UX. Milestone #1 of the grant have been completed, with progress being made on milestone #2.

Shade Protocol Dev Update #1
The following is the first of various Shade Protocol Dev updates. Shade Protocol consists of 10+ core contributors from all over the world from multiple organizations and backgrounds. The heart of…

Be sure to check out the Shade Protocol official website.

Join the Shade Protocol telegram and follow the Shade Protocol twitter account!


ANONs represent the 1st Secret Network PFP Collection.

Community. Shared Royalties. 580. Rare. Coming soon! 👀

Follow on Twitter:

Fardels Network

Ever since the creation of smart contracts, there has been a promise of building new kinds of decentralized social networks. In practice, what has been built have been impoverished clones of existing social networks (for example, EtherTweet) that lack key features, such as the ability to follow others. That is because most smart contract networks do not keep user data private. Plus, they have not innovated around the strengths of the blockchain to rethink the types of relations that the social network aims to foster.

Fardels aims to improve on both counts. By building on Secret Network, important aspects of user data are kept private. And just as Twitter innovated around sharing short pieces of information, Fardels is designed to foster a culture of sharing digital items of small value.

Try the Fardels beta today!

Secret Network Monthly International Growth Report #6

September 2021 proved to be a massive month for International Growth on the Secret Network! With the announcement of the Secret Network roadmap and so many new and exciting products being launched on Secret Network; it is no wonder that there has been a recent uptick in activity across the board. In September alone, International Growth saw a whopping 1,767 new members across all international community channels which is a massive 58% total growth!

If you’d like to join the global agent program, please reach out to Dalts or JeremySchipper on Telegram. They are the head of the I.G.C., and they can check to see if there is an opening in the current communities!

Specifically, the global agent program is looking for a global agent passionate about growing the Korean channel!

With over 12 monthly micro-grants still available, come join today!

Secret Network Monthly International Growth Report #6
September 2021! What a month it proved to be for International Growth on the Secret Network! With the announcement of the Secret Network roadmap and so many new and exciting products being launched…

Messari Secret Network Research

Read this in depth report by Messari Research that covers Secret Network from multiple perspectives: privacy as a narrative, transparency a distinct problem, Secret Network's architecture, the Secret ecosystem, Secret DeFi, Secret NFTs, and the competitive landscape surrounding privacy and blockchain.  

Crypto Research, Data, and Tools
Gain an edge over the crypto market with professional grade data, tools, and research.

Messari Mainnet 2021

The Secret Foundation and many Secret Agents were in attendance at Mainnet 2021 - a large blockchain and cryptocurrency conference in New York City that took place during September. Secret Agents had the opportunity to gather and talk about all things privacy, Secret Network, blockchain, decentralization, DeFi, NFTs, and so much more!

Secret Network Messari Mainnet Booth
Tor Bair - CEO of the Secret Foundation on the TeFi Panel
Carter Woetzel - Secret Foundation Marketing & Community Manager

Secret Beers: Privacy & Blockchain

Secret Network had a local Chicago meet-up to talk all things Secret Network while enjoying legendary Goose Island Brews. This may become a regularly re-occurring event so be sure to stay tuned for more top Secret community events such as this one!

Tor Bair & Secret Agents

Secret Code Podcast Episodes #9-12

Get to hear about the ambitious vision of Sienna Network from Monty Munford, the Chief Evangelist himself. We dive into his crypto background and involvement with Sienna. He breaks down his thoughts on the state of crypto and the necessity or privacy. More importantly, he covers how Sienna will help Secret Network and solving this problem.

Learn about Shade Protocol and its stablecoin Silk from the Lead Researcher and Economist himself, Carter Woetzel. He gives a presentation on the underlying features that he believes will propel Silk into the mist of the stablecoin race. Such features include privacy by default and some unique burning/minting mechanisms. Carter explains how the project can also boost Secret Network much higher with the ability to serve as a SCRT supply sink.

Learn about Fardels Network from Ben Adams, the creator himself. His project is a first of its kind social media network built on Secret Network. It has many cool new features only possible because of the privacy preserving smart contracts that Secret offers. Listen in and you will get to learn more about Ben's background and his vision for Fardels!

Join us for an episode to meet Darren, Col-Lead of the Education Committee! He's got a fun story for how he initially got involved and he's got some great takes on crypto education. Find out about the great initiatives that the education committee are pushing forward and how you can get involved.

Join Secret Code Podcast for an episode to meet Arya, one of the lead proposers of the Guerilla Marketing Initiative. He loves cats and Secret Network! If you do too, learn about this grass roots initiative and how to get involved to assist the community's current marketing efforts.


Andy and Rob have a chat with Tor Bair from the Secret Foundation to discuss why privacy is the next phase of Web3 and DeFi, how the Secret Network is best positioned to fulfill user’s demand for a certain level of privacy, and how the Secret Metaverse pushes the composability and privacy of NFTs. All this to truly establish a decentralized and democratic financial system for everyone.

Check out an appearance from Carter Woetzel at Privacy in Cosmos (hosted by ZK Validator) to discuss stablecoins and native privacy!

"The Future of Blockchain & Privacy" presented to the Uganda Secret Agent community by Brian - a Secret Agent part of the International Growth Program focused on growing the East Africa Secret Agent community!

Other coverage:

Evolve or die: How smart contracts are shifting the crypto sector’s balance of power
Smart contract capabilities are rendering old-school megalithic cryptos obsolete as blockchains evolve beyond just being a medium of exchange.
Optimizing DeFi Privacy - The Birth of PriFi — Hartmann Capital
The first blockchains provided for permissionless decentralized payments and stores of value. Though the early use cases included criminal activity , blockchains such as Bitcoin, being transparent and pseudonymous, were in fact ill-suited for private commercial activity. Decentralized finance (De

Proposal 51: Secret Code Podcast Spending Proposal

Proposal 51 passed - a spend proposal that helped fund the Secret Code Podcast to continue production of both the podcast and educational content for Secret Network. Check out the proposal here.

Creation of the Secret Agent Twitter List

The community has created a Secret Agent Twitter list for any and all Secret Agents that represent the iconic Secret 𝕊 in their their profile description or username. Be sure to add 𝕊 to your profile and join the growing community of Secret Agents on twitter!

Check out the Secret Agent twitter list.

Secret Forum September Highlights

Earn Contract Exploit - Post Mortem
Hi everyone, A couple of weeks ago, a vulnerability in the SecretSwap Earn contracts (also known as the SPY contracts) was discovered and exploited. As far as we know, this is the first Rust/WASM-based contract exploit case, which is interesting in and by itself, and specifically, the first one on …
Fungible Token Migration (Snip-20 --> Snip-22)
The Point - Why, What, and a little How: The point of this post is to gauge interest in a community led initiative to migrate all SNIP-20 tokens to SNIP-22s. If there is enough interest I propose we pass a community spend proposal to compensate the execution of this migration. Preface - Give me a …
Enforce some level of community standards on tests/test coverage/auditing for contracts
so, as the recent exploit showed us (not like we needed more evidence) it turns out writing code is actually hard (who knew). Especially when you want that code to be exploit proof. And this got me thinking…we can, as a community, require some level of proof of test coverage, if nothing else, befo…

Community Art

What now?

What a summary! There was almost too much progress to document. But as exciting as September was, October promises to bring even more growth to the Secret ecosystem with the rapid development of more DeFi applications and privacy-preserving Secret Apps.

With the launch of Supernova on the near horizon, the launch of Fardels and other amazing Secret Applications, we've seen massive growth in just a short time. So what other announcements, collaborations, and roadmaps lie in store? You’ll have to wait and see what secrets October brings…

Onwards and upwards!

To discuss Secret Network and Secret Apps, visit our community channels:

Website | Forum | Twitter | Discord | Telegram