Hello Secret Agents! 🕵

This blog post summarizes important updates from the past month of our development and growth. July was truly an epic month for the Secret Network ecosystem following our completion of secret contracts code in June!

Phase 1 (invite-only) of our incentivized testnet concluded earlier this week, which included the successful deployment and operation of secret contracts. Now we are excited to start Phase 2 (open to everyone!) this upcoming Monday, August 10. Keep reading to learn how you can participate and earn rewards.

Table of Contents

  • Secret Games Update
  • Secret Hackathon
  • Keplr Wallet Support
  • HackFS: Team Padlock
  • Documentation Improvements
  • Update from Chain of Secrets
  • Update on Puzzle by SecretNodes.org
  • CosmWasm 1.0
  • Secret Foundation Committees
  • Programmable Privacy
  • Secret Mission: Design Challenge
  • Going Forward

About Secret Network

The Secret Network is a decentralized network of computers (which we call "secret nodes") that use hardware-based and software-based privacy technologies to enable secure computation. On top of this network, developers can build Secret Apps - unstoppable, permissionless applications that utilize encrypted data without exposing the data itself, even to the nodes performing computations. It's the first network to have smart contract privacy! Visit our wiki or website to learn more - and if you’re interested in building your own Secret Apps, get in touch.

Secret Games

Phase 1: Recap

We kicked off the Secret Games, which include our incentivized testnet program, in July. The invite-only Phase 1 of our incentivized testnet began on July 20. Our group of invitees completed a series of tasks designed to test our network and secret contract functionality!

The successful Phase 1 participants include: Staked, Figment Networks, Chorus One, Dokia Capital, MathWallet, Chainflow, Iqlusion, Outlier Ventures, Hashquark, Protofire, B-Harvest, LunaNova, and Mitera BV.

Learn more about the invitees and our testnet here:

Secret Games Update: Incentivized Testnet Phase 1
Come meet the invited participants for Phase 1 of the Secret Network incentivized testnet, starting July 20th. Next up: Phase 2, open to all!

Overall, we are very happy with the results. The first week primarily involved getting secret nodes set up and staying online. Last week, participants helped with testing secret contracts, including Assaf’s poker app as well as “secret tokens”. (For more details on these applications, read the Secret Hackathon section below!) This was a valuable experience in terms of making everything smoother, fixing docs, and squashing bugs.

We also held a secret raffle. And the winner is… 🎉

Congratulations to secret1jsjsgr22......

Phase 2: Monday, August 10

With our invite-only phase concluded, the next phase of the incentivized testnet program will be open to everyone. Potential participants should keep in mind the requirements for nodes, including using hardware equipped with trusted execution environments (TEEs). If you’re interested in Phase 2, please join this channel on the official Secret Chat to connect with our testnet stewards.

>> https://chat.scrt.network/channel/phase-2-testnet

Secret Hackathon

Before the launch of the incentivized testnet, Enigma’s development team conducted an internal hackathon in order to experiment with secret contract functionality. All of these ideas are impractical or impossible with “typical” blockchains, so we feel these applications illustrate the unique power of Secret Network and secret contracts.

  • Secret Hold ‘Em - Fair, completely trustless version of poker (Texas Hold ‘Em style) running on the Secret blockchain.
  • secretSCRT - Transform any asset into a privacy-preserving secret token! We are developing a standard contract interface similar to ERC-20 (making this post from two years ago a reality), enabling users to lock up their SCRT in order to receive freshly minted “secretSCRT.” This can be done with any asset, not only SCRT.
  • Secret Vault - This application uses a secret contract to store/manage its own private key and sign transactions on-chain. This is not possible with any blockchain today (as the private key would be immediately revealed to the world).

Read more in this forum post by Enigma CEO Guy Zyskind: Internal hackathon - getting ready for incentivized testnet!

Internal hackathon - getting ready for incentivized testnet!
Last week was hands down one of the best weeks at Enigma. The entire development team took a breather and spent the week hacking together secret apps on top of Secret Network v2. The idea was to get our hands dirty, experiment, and test out how stable things are. The week turned out to be extremely…

Keplr Wallet Support

The Chainapsis team added support for Secret Network in their wallet software, allowing users to send/receive SCRT and stake/delegate to earn a portion of the block rewards. From Keplr’s introductory blog: “The ultimate goal for Keplr is to recreate the simplicity of using MetaMask on Cosmos.” User experience will be crucial for adoption of secret contracts.

Read this blog post for a walkthrough of their product:

How to use Keplr Wallet
One of the main obstacles that separate the blockchain from a real mass adoption has always been the medium-high level of technical knowledge necessary to fully understand the actions that are…

With this new support from Keplr and Mathwallet, we're excited to see wallet support of the Secret ecosystem continue to expand!

Secret Network MathWallet Tutorial
This is a short guide on how to use MathWallet to hold your Secrets (SCRT) and begin staking on Secret Network.

HackFS: Team Padlock

Can Kisagun and James Waugh of Enigma have been participating in ETHGlobal’s online hackathon focused on IPFS and Filecoin. Our team, including Taariq Levack, Ahmed Tawfeeq, and Michal Shachman, is building a solution for content monetization on the decentralized web. The Padlock application interacts with a customized version of the “secret vault” contract, empowering users to buy/sell access to encrypted files without a middleman.

Read more in this post on the Filecoin blog:

Meet the HackFS Teams: Vol. 1
Welcome to the sixth installment of the Filecoin Community Highlights series, which features users and developers building essential tools and services on the Filecoin network. We hope this post, as well as others in this series, inspires you to join the movement and build world-class tools for the …

Programmable Privacy

Attempting to convey the unique capabilities of secret contracts running on Secret Network, Enigma CEO Guy Zyskind wrote this blog post describing how giving full control of data privacy (and transparency) to end users and developers, instead of data monopolies, unlocks the true value of the decentralized web.

Programmable Privacy: Turning Smart Contracts into Secret Contracts
How giving full control of data privacy (and transparency) to end users and developers, instead of data monopolies, unlocks the true value of the decentralized web.

Documentation Updates

As we continue testing secret contract functionality, we are improving our documentation and creating examples of secret apps. Recently, our dev committee was formed, and members of the community have coordinated to make significant changes to the docs and our wiki. Here is a merged pull request from Mohammed Patla of SecureSecrets, which rearranged the sidebar and added a page for delegators and a section for testnet docs. Also, Taariq Levack developed this tutorial involving a basic “secret counter” application. We are using that example in our new contract development guide.

Join the discussion in the documentation channel of Secret Chat!

Chain of Secrets Updates

  • Participated in the Phase I testnet with SGX and validator setup, troubleshooting (to provide support)
  • Published latest QuickSync update as of block # 364,000 on July 13th (https://chainofsecrets.org/quicksync.html)
  • Updated the Secret API for mainnet to secret-1 (https://api.chainofsecrets.org)
  • Created testnet Secret API and docs - needs to be deployed, initially will point to the Secret Games testnet, later to the official CoS testnet.
  • We can generate SDKs for Secret API (e.g. python, ruby, TypeScript) and will get input from devs in the next couple of weeks
  • Next week we’ll be participating in the Phase 2 testnet, continuing to provide support and will focus on tasks related to secret contracts

Update on Puzzle by Secret Nodes

  • Added support for Ledger and Mathwallet (Keplr in progress)
  • Added a page to show swap information
  • Added a transaction page
  • Added the ability to redelegate to another node
  • Made various fixes & improvements to codebase while working towards a stable release

CosmWasm 1.0

Recently, we have been collaborating with the CosmWasm team, which is building a smart contracting platform for the Cosmos ecosystem. Recently, they announced a countdown to releasing version 1.0! Learn more on their blog:

Count down to CosmWasm lift off…
At the end of July, we cut the 0.10 release of wasmd, which built on the nearly complete 0.9 release and added support for permissioned deployments of CosmWasm, as well as fixing some attack vectors…

Secret Mission: Design Challenge

The Secret Foundation is helping coordinate a new "secret mission" to give artists more opportunities in our ecosystem. All are welcome to submit proposals and earn SCRT by doing creative work. One of our main goals is to develop useful resources for educating the general public about Secret Network. We want to provide better visual content to answer commonly asked questions and explain our technology and use cases.

There are two main components of this design challenge:

  1. Request for Proposals
  2. Secret Art Contest

Details, including the RFP, are in this blog post:

Secret Mission: Design Challenge
Make art, earn secrets. Help us develop the visual identity and educational content for Secret Network!

Secret Foundation Committees

We are collectively exploring ways for Secret Network participants to earn from value shared. This page of our wiki defines the purpose, goals, responsibilities, and initiatives of each and every committee. Here is a relevant forum thread intended to facilitate coordination:

Weekly Meetings

#governance ~ Wednesdays at 3pm UTC: https://meet.scrt.network/gov

#education ~ Thursdays at 4pm UTC: https://meet.scrt.network/edu

#devs ~ Wednesdays at 5pm UTC: https://meet.scrt.network/dev

#infrastructure ~ Tuesdays at 4pm UTC: https://meet.scrt.network/infrastructure

What's Next?

Overall, we’re thrilled to keep building toward the vision of Secret Network. We’re continuing research into various use cases like DeFi and secret tokens. Please don’t hesitate to share any ideas or questions. You can find us on Secret Chat and the Secret Forum. Thank you for supporting our mission to bring essential privacy solutions to the decentralized web — and to advance privacy as a public good! We are deeply grateful for your help.

To infinities and beyond!

To discuss Secret Network and join our community, visit our official channels:
Website | Forum | Twitter | Discord | Telegram