Hello to the Secret community!

Since the launch of Secret Contracts in 2020, Secret Network has experienced massive amounts of organic growth, with 30,000+ delegators, 70 nodes, 70,000+ accounts, 9,000+ contracts, a 10x increase in daily transactions, and a distinct uptick in developer attention. Even after all this growth, Secret Network remains the first and only layer-1 chain that offers privacy-preserving smart contracts!

The Secret Network community is united by a common mission: to advance privacy as a public good, empowering people by providing the tools, technologies, education, and support necessary to preserve their freedom. Fundamentally, we believe privacy is a human right. An overly centralized internet and giant data monopolies have jeopardized our security, our right to privacy, and our society. We must scale privacy preserving technologies that can help us confront and overcome these systemic risks. And we must continue to push for better education surrounding individuals' right to privacy.

In addition, we believe privacy is fundamental to expanding what's possible to build with Web3 technologies, from decentralized finance, to digital identity, to NFTs, to gaming metaverses, and wherever innovation takes us next. Private smart contracts unlock 100x the use cases for decentralized apps - and as such, we believe they will power the next phase of Web3's growth and adoption.

Today Secret Network is an exciting sandbox for creating privacy-centric and permissionless applications, permitting individuals the freedom to traverse and use Web 3.0 to its full potential while remaining secure. United by our guiding principles - usability, sustainability, impact, and empowerment - we are building a committed and collaborative community where every individual is a source for meaningful change.

This year was filled with countless successes as Secret Agents from all over the world helped build and promote Secret Network globally! We are making Secret Network the de facto privacy platform of Web3 has continued to cement itself - whether it be privacy for DeFi, NFTs, or other Layer-1 networks in the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond.

This annual review of the progress that has been achieved by Secret Network is a celebration of the 1000s of hours of work across the Secret ecosystem, preparing for the wave of success to come in 2022...

What is Secret Network?

Secret Network is the first blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts, known as "secret contracts." That means applications built on Secret can utilize encrypted data without revealing it to anyone, even the nodes in the network. For the first time, Secret Network allows developers to build powerful, permissionless, privacy-preserving applications - Secret Apps.

Blockchains are public by default. That means that all the data used in smart contracts is exposed to everyone. For blockchain technology to achieve global adoption, users and organizations need control over how their data is used – they can’t just expose it to everyone. Secret Network solves the problem of privacy, helping to secure and scale the decentralized web.

Growth Metrics

December of 2020 saw ~220 transactions per day. In 2021, there was a distinct growth pattern in network usage, peaking at 35.3k transactions in mid-November, and averaging approximately 9,000 transactions.

The steady uptick in transactions in 2021 represents tangible growth in network utilization - but we've only just begun to see critical applications deployed and scaled. How much will daily transaction usage increase by in 2022?

Secret Analytics

Gas usage also saw a significant uptick in 2021, but with a twist. Supernova brought a massive increase in transaction and contract efficiency, lowering gas prices across the board. So while the middle components of 2021 represented increased usage, late 2021 gas usage represents the massive technical efficiency boost the Supernova upgrade gave to Secret Network!

Secret Analytics

Bridge usage on Secret Network has continued to grow over time, signaling cross-ecosystem demand for Secret Apps from networks such as Ethereum, Monero, BSC, and so on. With IBC finally enabled, total bridge addresses will see a massive uptick in 2022 (note that IBC addresses are not included in the data below).

Secret Analytics - Bridges

Between both SecretSwap & SiennaSwap in 2021, there was a combined cumulative volume of over $1,200,000,000! Liquidity continues to grow on Secret Network as more individuals experience Secret DeFi - and the best DeFi features are yet to come. Stay tuned in Q1...


A special thank to Secret Analytics for providing and tracking this data for Secret Network.

Emergence of SecretNFTs

If 2020 was defined by the beginning of Secret Contracts and the emergence of the first Secret Tokens, then 2021 was defined by the growth of SecretNFTs. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are in themselves a powerful concept, introducing provable digital scarcity for creative works, in-game items, collectables, financial assets, and more. But up until today, NFTs have had major limitations for creators, collectors, and consumers that prevent NFTs from reaching their full potential as a disruptive technology.

Their main limitation is privacy. And Secret NFTs have solved it.

As a private-by-default Layer 1 foundation, Secret Network enables the first NFTs with programmable privacy, unlocking the next generation of functionality, utility, and value for NFTs in Web3. We believe this is the revolution that will elevate NFTs from billions to trillions in value - and due to the native privacy controls, that value can be sustained and grow.

Read the blog below for highlights of over twenty Secret NFT collections that launched in Q4 2021 alone!

Secret NFTs: Collection Highlights
Come check out over TWENTY different SecretNFT collections on Secret Network - many soon to be featured on Stashh, launching December 17th on mainnet!

Perhaps most iconic of the SecretNFTs in 2021 was announced by Quentin Tarantino, the award-winning director, screenwriter, producer, author, film critic and actor announced he would auction off Secret NFTs representing classic chapters of Pulp Fiction. Each NFT contains never-before-seen content, including the original handwritten scripts and exclusive audio commentary from Quentin Tarantino himself. This is made possible by the private metadata of Secret NFTs, ensuring only the owner of the NFT can access these rare materials.

Quentin Tarantino Secret NFTs: Sale Dates Confirmed!
Tarantino NFTs - one-of-a-kind Secret NFTs containing never-before-seen creations from the mind and pen of Quentin Tarantino - will be auctioned in January!

Emergence of Secret Apps

Throughout 2021 began key work by the Secret Network developer ecosystem to develop secret contracts and applications from scratch. Many of these developers created groundbreaking standards (SNIP-20s, SNIP-721s) that would be the foundation of the many various dApps and tooling that would begin to emerge. The following are a list of applications, features, tokens, and tools that emerged or were announced in 2021:

In Q1 2022, we will be completely focused on the application growth within the Secret ecosystem and expanding our Secret Grants program. Secret Grants are split into three categories: Secret Apps, for everything that is directly built on top of Secret Network; Ecosystem, for tools that expand Secret Network and improve general usability; and Network improvements, for major upgrades to the network itself.

With a list consisting of over 35+ grant ideas, get started with the grant application process today!

Above is the Secret Network Ecosystem Roadmap for January, with a significant amount of new applications (of course, some are still secret) in the pipeline! Now more than ever before is a phenomenal time to join the network as a creator or builder. Learn more about Secret Network development today!

Emergence of Supernova

It’s been one year since Secret Network pioneered private smart contracts. The SCRT Labs team led the way with their impressive work on Supernova - a major network upgrade that established Secret as the cross-chain privacy-first platform for Web3, enabling hundreds of new unique use cases for DeFi, NFTs, and beyond. Supernova went live in late 2021, bringing programmable privacy to Cosmos and embedding Secret further into the foundation of the Web3 metaverse.

The Supernova Mainnet Upgrade is Complete!
Supernova - our first major mainnet upgrade since Secret Contracts launched in September 2020 - is officially live! Learn how this achievement is bringing new interoperability, cementing Secret Network as the privacy platform for Web3!

Supernova introduced IBC integration, which connected Secret Network with blockchains across the Cosmos ecosystem (in addition to the existing Secret bridges to Ethereum, BSC, Monero, and more!). IBC also allowed SCRT to be used in cross-chain Cosmos applications (such as Osmosis, Gravity DEX, and Terra-based dApps) and provided Secret Network’s unique privacy features to the entire Cosmos ecosystem.

Supernova also empowered the following:

  • Up to 10x cheaper gas fees
  • Faster & more efficient transactions
  • Improved network performance and greater scalability
  • Secret Contract specification optimization
  • Cosmos SDK 0.44 features
  • Relayers to other networks such as Atom, Terra/Luna, Osmosis, Juno, etc.
  • Fee Grant module - allows an address to give an allowance to another address
  • Upgrade module - Allows triggering of network-wide software upgrades, which significantly reduces the amount of coordination effort hard-forks require
  • Auto Registration - New node registering process is now automated via a new command

See the full change log here - and check out the full Supernova Documentation!

Reveal of Secret Agents

The true secret to Secret Network's success has always been its community. In 2021 major updates were made to Secret Agents, a growth-focused program designed and executed by the Secret community itself. In 2021 thousands of Secret Agents from around the globe registered to become a Secret Agent - helping defend privacy by working together to build a more decentralized, democratic, and empowering internet with privacy- preserving technologies.

When you become a Secret Agent you'll execute missions, earn rewards, and become a core part of our long-standing global community of privacy pioneers, artists, developers, entrepreneurs, and evangelists. We can't wait for you to meet your fellow Agents - and they're excited to have your help in 2022. The program is expected to expand substantially, with new missions, new rewards, and new secret opportunities...

There's no time to lose - become a Secret Agent now!

Revealing the New Secret Agents - Now Recruiting!
We need your help to defend the privacy of the decentralized web. Learn how you can now become a Secret Agent, where you can get rewards, access special events, and earn special Secret NFTs and swag!

Secret Events

In 2021, despite a global pandemic, the Secret community still had the amazing opportunity to attend a variety of blockchain events all over the world. Here are just some of the events we were able to attend in the second half of the year:

  • Messari Mainnet, NYC
  • ETH Portland
  • Comsoverse, Lisbon
  • Secret Beers, Chicago
  • DeFi Miami
  • DeFi NYC
NFT NYC (Quentin Tarantino announces his Secret NFT collection)
Tor Bair (Secret Foundation) at ETH Portland
Messari Mainnet, NYC
TeFI Alpha, NYC
DCentral / DeFi Miami
Secret Beers, Chicago
Cosmoverse, Lisbon

Mainstream Coverage

In 2021 the secret finally started to get out, with coverage of Secret Network from 20+ different media outlets. Most notably was media coverage on Secret NFTs from CNBC, CNN, Bloomberg, and more! Here's just a small selection:

Quentin Tarantino to offer seven uncut scenes from ‘Pulp Fiction’ as NFTs
The collectibles also include original handwritten scripts from the film and exclusive audio commentary from Tarantino himself.
Quentin Tarantino will sell 7 never-before-seen clips from ‘Pulp Fiction’ as NFTs
Magnus Carlsen talks to CNN about the Champions Chess Tour’s adoption of an NFT trophy and discusses how you could become a chess grandmaster.
Secret Network Raises $11.5M to Further Privacy and App Development
The position continues a string of ongoing interest in privacy-protecting tech.
Quentin Tarantino to Auction Seven Unseen ‘Pulp Fiction’ Scenes as NFTs
Film director Quentin Tarantino is auctioning off seven never-before-seen “Pulp Fiction” scenes as NFTs, the latest celebrity to capitalize on the red-hot market.
SecretSwap Is the Secret Network’s Answer to DeFi Privacy
SecretSwap works similarly to Uniswap or SushiSwap but also has privacy benefits.
In the race toward Web 3 financial privacy, Secret Network attracts backing from key players – TechCrunch
In the real world — the world on which the global economy runs — we don’t expose every aspect of our financial activity in public. We want to be able to select which parties can access our financial data and under what circumstances — for example, our credit history or bank transactions. The problem…
‘Secret’ Crypto Asset Far Outperforms Bitcoin and Ethereum, Surpassing $1,000,000,000 Market Cap With Massive 7-Day Rally - The Daily Hodl
An altcoin project focused squarely on secrecy just shot into the top 100 crypto assets by market cap.

In addition, there were a number of amazing podcasts and appearances featuring Secret Network! We've highlighted a few below.

December Ecosystem Update

Of course, let's not forget our usual monthly update! Secret Network saw a range of products get launched and announced - from a fully functional SecretNFT marketplace to a decentralized privacy-preserving content management and data exchange protocol. All built on Secret Network!

Stashh mainnet launch. DataVault reveal. Terra Bites hosts Secret Code Podcast. Secret NFT hackathon submission. DeFi Summit in Miami. Orbem Wars. Hashoshi coverage of Secret Network. Shinobi Protocol private beta. And so much more.

December saw the launch of more Secret NFT collections than any other month in Secret Network history. See what’s been done lately on Secret Network, and how you can get involved!


December of 2021 saw the successful mainnet deployment of Stashh, the first full-stack marketplace and platform for NFTs with native privacy, allowing creators, collectors, and consumers to truly benefit from and control the Web3 digital economy. We believe Secret Network's unique privacy capabilities - and the use cases it enables - make it the ideal chain for NFT creators and collectors that care about long-term value, real connections, and true digital ownership.

Anons on Stashh

This is a groundbreaking moment for the projects who have already launched their NFT projects on Secret Network, as well as for those that are approaching launch. Come check out the earliest stages of the platform today, and get your hands on the very first Secret NFT collections!

Marketplace on Stashh

Stashh's roadmap contains the following features:

  • Content and financial privacy for artists
  • Private-by-default ownership for collectors
  • On-platform minting and secondary sales
  • Trustless access control
  • Public/private metadata, with private content for owners only
  • Private galleries (v2)
  • Private auctions (v2)
Stashh is LIVE on Mainnet!
Stashh - the first marketplace for Secret NFTs - is finally LIVE on mainnet 🚀 Learn more about Secret NFTs and how you can already buy, sell, and view NFTs from launch collections!

Secret Feature: DataVault & Secret Bazaar

DataVault is the world’s first decentralized privacy-preserving content management and data exchange protocol built on blockchain technology. Using the privacy guarantees of Secret Network to handle data encryption and access management as well as the decentralized data storage solution of IPFS, DataVault as a protocol empowers a suite of front-end applications that can easily plug into the modular secret contracts that compose DataVault.

Key to the design of DataVault applications is the ease of uploading data, purchasing access to the data, as well as disputing the integrity of the underlying data. YouTube, Periscope, Theta, Xbox Game Pass, and Provenance are all conceivable use cases that could be partnered with or replicated using a decentralized and privacy-preserving equivalent. This would be powered by the DataVault contract and the ecosystem of DataVault-based applications secured by Secret Network.

Secret Feature: DataVault & Secret Bazaar
DataVault is the world’s first decentralized privacy-preserving content management and data exchange protocol - powered by Secret Network!

Orbem Wars - Airdrop Details

Airdrop Details

Orbem Wars is a full-blown tower defense game set in a sci-fi world. Corporate earth has ventured out in space in search of riches. They expanded faster than governments could follow with laws or order. Space is a dangerous place. You run, or you fight. Survival of the fittest.

You are a mercenary, exploring space, and doing the dirty work for those that pay enough. Although you could venture out for yourself and your own gains. The corporate factions have access to technologies you are going to want.

Orbem Wars will offer 4 game modes for players to explore;

  1. Campaign — in which you explore the constellation of Ehen.
  2. Events — in which you unfold the storyline, together with other players. You will contribute to galactic wars, interstellar infrastructure projects, and groundbreaking research that will change the course of humankind. Mercenaries with exceptionally high commitment are to be rewarded!
  3. Leagues — in which you brawl (PVP) with other mercenaries. For fun, for training, for status — and of course — for prizes.
  4. Contracts — in which you fulfill requests from various factions. Contracts in Orbem Wars are public, meaning that you compete with other players. The mercenary with the highest contract fulfillment rate will go home with top pay.
Orbem Wars — Airdrop Details
All you have to know about the Orbem Wars NFT airdrop! How to qualify, how to get priority for higher rarities, snapshot period, and more. Note, this blog will be updated as community questions make…

Shinobi Protocol - Beta

Shinobi Protocol is a trustless, bidirectional bridge that connects Bitcoin mainnet users directly to Secret Network. With a hash verification system, Shinobi Protocol avoids the traditional direct custodial model by instead being a privacy-secured trustless bridge. With the advent of Shinobi Protocol, it is now possible for Bitcoin holders to have direct access to Secret DeFi in a way that has never been possible before. With Shinobi there is no middleman, and the peg in/out actions communicating with Secret Network are not discernible from ordinary transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Come visit the Shinobi Protocol website to learn more!

Shinobi private beta test launched
Private beta test has been launched. Public beta test is expected to be completed in January if the test results are satisfactory.

Shade Protocol Airdrop Calculator

The Shade Protocol Airdrop Calculator is LIVE!

The Shade Calculator is the result of hours of hard work and feedback from a range of Shade contributors — providing one of the smoothest multichain calculator experiences to date. The calculator empowers users to import and check their individual wallets for the SHD airdrop, with automated wallet detection turning the calculation process into a seamless user experience.

SHD Airdrop Calculator: https://airdrop.shadeprotocol.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/ShadeProtocol

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shade_Protocol

Discord: https://discord.gg/BVk28X52

December Media

Coin98 Wallet aligns Secret Network to decentralize and privatize user data
Coin98 Wallet is stoked to integrate Secret Network allowing users to build and use permissionless and privacy-preserving applications.
Brittany Kaiser (Own Your Data), Tor Bair (Secret), Izzy Pollak (Genies), Jason Brink (Gala Games) & Brock Pierce @ dCentral Miami & Art Basel | Edge of NFT Podcast | Episode 84
Starting with dCentral Miami on Nov 30 and continuing through early December of 2021 with Art Basel, Miami’s tech and creative scene was flush with NFT enthusiasts and leaders. The Edge of NFT podcast had the opportunity connect with and interview several amazing guests during this magical time. Joi…

Forum Post Highlights

Secret Dreamscape Bootstrap Funding Proposal
I like this games is super cool to play with my family even uhmmmmm well all else uhmmmm and what I want to say is that I uhmmmm.
Add sHUAHUA and sJUNO to incentivized pairs
This definitely adds a unique spin on the situation. I am already in talks with the Chihuahua team on adding HUAHUA incentives as well, but having multi-assets is really exciting.
SCRT Labs delegation, grants, and more
This is great. I would agree with the concern about additional burden on SCRT Labs with monitoring more aggressively. I wonder if any effort has been made with investigating automated tracking tools like Basecamp to make tracking progress a bit more manageable? I think as the number of projects laun…
Secret Code Podcast - Q4 Update
Secret Code Podcast - Q4 Update The Secret Code Podcast was funded for Q4 2021 according to the passed proposal discussed here in the forum: Secret Code Podcast Spending Proposal. Now that the period is over we are writing here to share how our growth lined up with our goals, and what our next step…

Recent Monthly Ecosystem Updates

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

What now?

What a summary! There was almost too much progress to document. But as exciting as 2021 was, 2022 promises to bring even more growth to the Secret ecosystem as hundreds of new Secret Apps come online!

With the introduction of Supernova - allowing Secret Network to connect with countless chains - there is potential for massive growth in just a short time. So what other announcements and collaborations lie in store? You’ll have to wait and see what new secrets 2022 brings…  ⚡🌊

Onwards and upwards!

To discuss Secret Network and Secret Apps, visit our community channels:

Website | Forum | Twitter | Discord | Telegram