Hello to the community!

This announcement is to communicate Secret, LLC's plan to phase out the Puzzle brand and move forward with our new branding: secretnodes.com. Here is some rationale and a rough plan moving forward!

secret | secret | Overview | Validators, Governance, and Community Pool
secret -- secret list of Validators, Address/Name, Voting Power, Uptime, Current Block and Governance

What is/was Puzzle?

Puzzle was the first open source explorer with a sole focus on Secret Network. Since its launch, we've added a number of important new features related to staking, governance, and more!

New Naming

We are opting to use Secretnodes.com going forward primarily because it’s the strongest brand / keyword we own. We have used the "secretnodes" branding since 2018 and look forward to expanding it!

For some market research, here are two examples that show why the name should work well in a general sense in this space: glassnode.com and trustnodes.com.

Glassnode - On-chain market intelligence
Glassnode makes blockchain data accessible for everyone. We source and carefully dissect on-chain data, to deliver contextualized and actionable insights relevant for traders and investors.

We believe (anything)node or (anything)nodes .com are strong keywords for crypto and make more sense going forward than Puzzle.

New Domains

Our validator web page will remain secretnodes.org, but what you know today as Puzzle will run on secretnodes.com, and no longer be referred to as Puzzle.

Open Source

At some point in the future, we will update our Puzzle open source repo to be in a more suitable state for others to fork (primarily providing better documentation). As for open source for new developments, we are still deciding how we want to proceed on that front. We are currently leaning towards open sourcing the front end of our product and maintaining that repo while keeping the backend private. This is ProtonMail's approach to open-source, for example.

So what is secretnodes.com?

With secretnodes.com, we are creating a privacy-focused Swiss army knife, making it easier for people to interact with popular contracts on Secret Network as well as explore and understand on-chain data. Beyond what we've said here, and as much as we want to tell you more about these plans, we'd rather show you. 👀

Stay tuned for more, and keep in touch on Twitter! https://twitter.com/secretnodes

~ Ian Dixon, CEO and cofounder & Jacob Jackson, CTO and cofounder, Secret LLC (secretnodes.org, secretnodes.com)

To learn more about Secretnodes.com, join our community channels:
Website | Telegram | Twitter

To learn more about Secret Network, visit the website or join the Secret Chat.