Hello to the Secret community!

Supernova - our biggest mainnet upgrade since September 2020, bringing integration with IBC - comes closer by the day! We are all very excited about this massive turning point for our ecosystem. However, we shouldn’t let Supernova overshadow all the amazing projects that are already being built on Secret Network - many of which are releasing very soon...

In September, we saw the release of Fardels Beta on mainnet, and although more applications had been scheduled to release in September, some have had to postpone to October. If anything, that little bit of delay is resulting in an action-packed October with many dApps and tools releasing in the coming weeks.

To highlight a few:

  • Altermail is a first of its kind private and secure blockchain-based communication service (and now live on mainnet!)
  • Duplex will provide unique earning opportunities on stable coins.
  • Stashh will be the first NFT Marketplace for Secret Network.
  • SiennaSwap will be the second AMM to launch on Secret Network, adding to the DeFi opportunities on Secret Network.

Explore the roadmap (pictured above) for yourself, or use this PDF version to learn more about the projects and click through to find further information (if the project provided a URL).

What Are You Building?

Following the September release of the roadmap, several developers have reached out to share some truly amazing applications and tools they are working on. Most of these secret projects are in their early stages and not ready to make themselves publicly known yet. However, we have been able to connect many of these developers to internal resources that will hopefully accelerate their development.

Are you building something we should know about? If so, we would love to include your projects on the roadmap if it meets the following requirements.

1) The project has a unique name.

2) The project is in active development with the intent to release on mainnet.

3) The project has a clear value proposition to the network and its community.

4) Finally, we need your consent to include your project on the roadmap. Without it, we don’t mention it. The secret is safe with us 🤫

We welcome everyone that is developing on Secret Network and interested in their project being hosted on the roadmap to reach out through this form.

You can also join us for developer discussion on the Secret Discord or Secret Forum and let the community know what you're building - or dreaming of building. We are excited to learn more about what projects are in development!

What’s Next for the Roadmap?

The roadmap itself is constantly being improved! As a next step, there will be a dedicated page for the roadmap added to scrt.network. The Secret Network Roadmap will empower anyone to explore the application layer currently in development and get a glimpse of the future. This roadmap will simultaneously serve as a resource for developers and the broader community.

For more information about all of these exciting upcoming products, you can stay tuned to the Secret Blog and our announcement channels (like Twitter). More secrets are being revealed soon…. 🤫

Secret Network Developer Opportunities

Interested in building awesome Secret Applications like Fardels or Altermail? If so, there are a variety of options available for developers to get directly involved in building Secret Applications on Secret Network!

Secret Network Developer Grants

The Secret Network Grant Program is originally funded with 20M $SCRT - currently worth over ~$60,000,000. For simplicity, proposals are split into three categories: Secret Apps, for everything that is directly built on top of Secret Network; Ecosystem, for tools that expand Secret Network and improve general usability; and Network improvements, for major upgrades to the network itself.

Within the Secret Network application layer, Secret DeFi and Secret NFTs (private metadata) hold an exciting amount of use cases that have yet to be developed. Grants have already been rewarded for the development of the NFT reference implementation as well as Secret Fardels, a new kind of decentralized social media leveraging Secret NFTs.

With a list consisting of over 35+ grant ideas, get started with the grant application process today!

Are you a developer looking to develop full-time on Secret Network?

The Secret Foundation Fellow Program (Secret Fellows) is designed to involve more developers full-time in the Secret Network ecosystem. The goal of the program is to bring in talented individuals full-time to the Secret Network ecosystem for 3 months during which developers can work on Secret Network related dApp/ tooling development and receive competitive compensation.

Apply for Secret Fellows here!

For any other questions about the network and how to get started using and developing on Secret Network, join our awesome community on the Secret Chat (Discord) or Secret Forum.

Onwards & Upwards!

To discuss Secret Network and Secret Apps, visit our community channels:

Website | Forum | Twitter | Discord | Telegram